About us

The founder
Markolf H. Niemz is a full professor of biomedical engineering at Heidelberg University, founded 1386, and the author of several European bestsellers on modern science, philosophy and religion. He has a Ph.D. in physics from Heidelberg University and a Master of Science in bioengineering from UCSD, San Diego. Niemz has published several original works in optics and biomedical journals and a well-received textbook on laser-tissue interactions (Springer, New York). For his scientific work he was awarded the Karl-Freudenberg-Prize by the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences in 1995. Niemz spent several years of his life in the US (high school in Trenton, NJ; master program at UCSD; engineer at Intelligent Surgical Lasers Inc.; research fellow at Wellman Labs, Harvard Medical School). His lucid lectures and readings always attract a great audience.

Lucy´s Message
His background in physics and many reports about near-death experiences inspired Markolf H. Niemz to frame an unusual hypothesis: “Our soul plunges into the light when we die.” He also comes up with a new concept of the soul: “My soul is everything that I love and understand.” Lucy, a curious girl searching for wisdom, is convinced that it is our concept of the self that stands in the way of peace. There is neither a personal self nor an external, almighty God. Eternity, which most religious people hope for, does not begin at death. It is here and now—at the speed of light when all distances turn zero.

The Foundation
Markolf H. Niemz launched Lucy’s Children Foundation in May 2007 and provided an endowment of 100.000 Euros that came from proceeds of his Lucy book publications. Thanks to generous contributions and interest earnings accrued to Junel 2023, already more than 150.000 Euros could be provided for two deserving charity projects: a school for impoverished children in the Jhabua-District in central India, and night schools in the federal state of Rajasthan for children who can’t go to regular schools during the day. Lucy’s Children Foundation has been approved as a nonprofit and charitable foundation by the German government.